Have you thought about applying for funding to develop your artistic practice or make that project that you have been thinking about actually happen?
Why don’t you book a free no-obligation chat with Vehicle Arts to find out how we can help you towards that goal.
Email us on info@vehiclearts.uk
Do you feel like your practice needs a business overhaul? Have you got too many ideas but not sure what you should be focussing on? Would you love to speak to a specialist in a field you would like to know more about? Whatever type of mentoring you are after, we can help find the right person for you.
Why not get in touch and have a free no obligation chat, to see how we can help. Email us on info@vehiclearts.uk
Did you know that as well as creating our own projects such as Up Your High Street, Vehicle Arts can also project manage, produce and arrange creative content for your project, event or campaign?
If you are interested in having a chat about how Vehicle Arts can help take your project to the next level email us on info@vehiclearts.uk
Feeling in a bit of a creative rut? Got lots of ideas but not sure on how to prioritise them or link them together? It can be really useful to talk things through with someone who understands what it is like to be creative. Sometimes, all you need is a brainstorming session!
Vehicle Arts offer a two hour brainstorming session, that includes a summary of the discussion with a plan on possible next steps for £75
Why not get in touch and have a free no obligation chat, to see how we can help. Email us on info@vehiclearts.uk