Up Your High Street saw eleven diverse emerging artists takeover independent cafes throughout Leicester City Centre – over the Jubilee Weekend 2022

Artist and Cafes
1. Tracey Meek at James Bistro Cafe
5 E Bond St, LE1 4SX
10am-9pm (CLOSED Sunday)
2. Chandni Mistry & Rebecca Harvey-Hobbs at St Martins Coffee Shop
Cank St, LE1 5DG
9.30am-4pm (3pm Thursday)
3. Steve Chapman at The Big Difference
68 High St, LE1 5YP
4. Ali Carpenter-Hughes at Prana Cafe
10 Horsefair St, LE1 5BN
11am-4pm (10am-6pm Saturday)
5. Pickle Illustration at The Exchange Bar
50 Rutland St, LE1 1RD
10am-11pm (Sunday 12pm-9pm)
6. Caroline Bugby at Curve
60 Rutland Street, LE1 1SB
Visible through window on Orton Sq
Cafe open from 6pm Thurs, Fri, 10am-10pm Sat, Sun Closed
Date: Thursday 2nd June
Times: 10:00-12:00
Location: St Martins Coffee Shop, St Martins Square
Artist: Chandni Mistry
Description: Roll up, roll up, come and join professional writer and actress Chandni Mistry to learn how to write a fun story. Give your imagination a workout. Bring the whole family, everyone can get involved!
Date: Thursday 2nd June
Times: 10:30-12:30
Location: James’ Bistro Café, East Bond Street
Artist: Caroline Bugby
Description: Join visual artist Caroline Bugby for a fun and accessible workshop combining art and local geology! Use ink on fabric to make colourful designs inspired by the unique geology of Leicester, which will be displayed in Curve Theatre over the Jubilee weekend. Suitable for adults and children of 7+.
Date: Friday 3rd June
Times: 11:00-13:00
Location: James’ Bistro Café, East Bond Street
Artist: Tracey Meek
Description: Cut, snip and stick colourful collage papers with artist Tracey Meek. Be the artist and add to the paper diorama in James Cafe & Bistro window. Come join the fun and let your creativity flow for all to see!
Date: Friday 3rd June
Times: 15:00-17:00
Location: James’ Bistro Café, East Bond Street
Artist: Kristen Rollinson
Description: Learn how to create beautiful and bespoke rings using silver plated spoons on this drop-in workshop with silversmith, Kristen Rollinson
Date: Friday 3rd June
Times: 12:30-18:30
Location: James’ Bistro Café, East Bond Street
Artist: Chloe Bates
Description: Chloe Bates is a local up and coming artist, long established on the local Leicester arts scene as a singer, songwriter and poet. Chloe will be reprising her 3-minute Harlequin-style portraits from her ACE Funded project – Drawing You Closer- Shielded Connections – in a live art session at James’ Bistro Café.
Date: Saturday 4th June
Times: 14:00-17:00
Location: Outside, James’ Bistro Café, East Bond Street
Event: FREE Bike Service
Description: Free bike service by Dr. Bike Northside Bikes @northsidebikes. Why not ride into Leicester on your bike and get it serviced for free. Thanks to funding from @RideLeicester.
Date: Sunday 5th June
Times: 12:00-16:00
Location: The Big Difference, High Street
Artist: stevexoh
Description: BIRD DECORATING WORKSHOP WITH STEVEXOH, You are cordially invited to come and decorate a unique stevexoh designed wooden bird to commemorate the completion of the new community owned bird mural at The Big Difference. Everyone who comes along will be given a wooden bird and access to a plethora of paints, markers, glitter and other materials to make the bird uniquely their own. You could make it look like your favourite species of bird, make it look like you, give it weird and wonderful colours, flags, slogans – it is totally up to you and is totally impossible to get wrong.
You are then welcome to take your bird home with you, gift it to somebody else or to hide it around the city as a piece of #freeart for somebody else to discover. Artist stevexoh will be on hand to help as will a number of prompts, ideas and challenges to get you started.
This workshop is free to attend and is open to anyone whether they think they are a professional bird decorator or not. Visitors will also get a chance to see the newly completed mural.